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Quiz: Can you Spot Allergy Warning Signs

By: Matt Chittock - Updated: 5 Nov 2010 | comments*Discuss
Quiz: Can You Spot Allergy Warning Signs

When your child suffers from allergies keeping them safe isn't always easy - especially when he or she is away at school or playgroup. Still, the better you are informed about allergies, the more chance you have of communicating the dangers to your child. To get the full picture go to your GP, who will be able to offer positive help and advice.

Also take time to explore the rest of this site to find out more about the world of allergies and what it means for your kids. In the meantime, take our quiz and see if you can spot the immediate allergy dangers. Total up your scores and then scroll to the end to find out just how allergy-aware you really are, and pick up some expert advice. Best of luck!

1. In the UK eight different foods account for a massive 90% of allergic reactions. What are they?

2. True or false. Heredity is a major factor in developing allergies.

3. True or false. Some breeds of cat or dog are more likely to cause allergic reactions than others.

4. True or false. Making sure you cook a food thoroughly will neutralise allergens.

5. One of the most severe allergic reactions is anaphylaxis, which can be caused by an allergy to peanuts. What are the immediate signs a reaction is taking place?

6. Microscopic dust mites can trigger indoor allergies in children. Where do you think you are most likely to find them in the house?

  • a. In the bedroom
  • b. On the sofa
  • c. In the kitchen
  • d. In the living room

Allergy Answers

So how allergy-aware are you? Count how many questions you got right and find out for yourself!

  • 1. The offending foods are: tree nuts (i.e. walnuts and almonds), peanuts, shellfish, fish, soy, eggs, milk and wheat. Though some of these foods (like shellfish) aren't going to be to most kids' taste they can accidentally enter the diet through fast food and stir fry sauces.
  • 2. Unfortunately it's true. If parents don't have a history of allergy then the chance a child will have allergies is 15%. If one parent is allergic this leaps to 30%, and if both parents suffer the risk is around 60%.
  • 3. False. If your child is allergic there's no point changing the household pet for another breed. All breeds are just as likely to cause a reaction in your child.
  • 4. False. Unfortunately, parents have to put up with misinformation like this (often from other parents) all the time. However thoroughly a food is cooked, if your child is allergic to it, it will still cause a reaction.
  • 5. When anaphylaxis happens the throat and tongue swells up - which can cut off access to air. If you see this happen to any child it's vital you call for medical help immediately.
  • 6. Dust mites are most concentrated around the bed - which is why regular cleaning (with gentle detergent) and changing of sheets is essential to minimise the risk to your child.
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