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Allergies to Man Made Fibres

By: Sharon Edge - Updated: 20 Feb 2013 | comments*Discuss
Childhood Allergies To Man-made Fibres

Whatever your child is allergic to it’s never plain sailing. But life can be particularly difficult for children who are allergic to their own clothes. So, what should you do if your child seems to have an allergy to man-made fibres?

Things to Avoid if Your Child is Allergic to Man-Made Fibres

Itchy skin, rashes and eczema flare-ups could all be due to an allergy to synthetic fibres. Nylon, polyester and acrylic are key offenders and they can be found in a wide variety of different kinds of children’s clothing – from football kits to nappies. If your child is older, he or she will probably let you know if a particular jumper, t-shirt or pair of pants is irritating them. But be on the look-out for sore, red areas on the skin, especially on little ones who can’t tell you what’s going on.

Good Clothing Alternatives for Children Allergic to Man-Made Fibres

It’s widely accepted that 100% cotton is the best choice for kids who suffer with sensitive skin or skin allergies. Silk is another natural fibre that many people find to be a good alternative to synthetic fibres. It’s light, breathable and helps the skin stay warm in cold weather and cool in warm weather. Don’t just think about your child’s clothing, of course, think about their bedding too. Silk and cotton are both good options for sheets, pillow cases and duvet covers.

Another tip is to always make sure your child’s clothes are not too tight or close fitting. If your child’s skin is sensitive, having clothes that rub, or that don’t allow the skin to breath, could make a poor situation even worse.

Other Things to Look out for if Your Child is Allergic to Man-Made Fibres

Many parents avoid washing children’s clothes using synthetically fragranced fabric conditioners or biological washing powders. Chemically produced fragrances and the enzymes in biological powders can both irritate sensitive skin.

Despite the convenience, it’s probably a good idea to avoid crease-free and non-iron fabrics too. Pay close attention for this when you’re buying school uniforms, shirts and summer dresses.

Layer your child’s clothes and bedding, so that they can wrap up or unwrap depending on the temperature. Being too hot can irritate the skin, and sweat itself can be a potential irritant. Also, just because something is a natural fibre, doesn’t automatically mean it will be trouble free for your child. One key example here is wool, which some parents find can cause an allergic reaction in children.

Knowing What’s Right for Your Child

Modern life is full of synthetic fabrics and fibres. They’re everywhere. So, pay close attention before deciding that your child is definitely allergic to a particular fabric. For example, is it really the fabric, or the detergent you washed it in? Is it really their cuddle blanket, or the dust mites that are lurking there? As always, it’s important to keep a note of any reactions. Many parents find logging events in an allergy diary helps and this might assist you in spotting a pattern. But never try to diagnose an allergy, especially a serious one, yourself. Your family doctor will be able to help you pinpoint exactly what’s affecting your child, and should be able to advise you on how to manage the problem.

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I have a two and a half year old son who has been having a very bad ezema flare for the past few months. He has been on oral and topical steroids but as soon as they stop the ezema comes back bad as ever. Recently my mother mentioned that my dad(rip) could never wear jeans without his skin breaking out in angry red patches. My mother tried pre washing them, buying expensive ones, buying worn ones but every time he wore them he broke out again. On the back of this information I deciced to keep my son out of jeans and his legs made a dramatic recovery within 48-72 hrs. He still has some ezema on his back and face but his legs are great now. Was wondering if anyone else has had the same problem with jeans?
mummy mia - 5-Apr-11 @ 4:27 PM
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